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Z71 01

Stage Z7.1 (R-Type Final 2)

Summer Night is Stage F-B in R-Type Final. This stage is a paradox before the events occurred in Beautiful Erasure, jumping again to the fallen colony in Metropolis Quietus, but this time as a Bydo (B-1D Bydo System Alpha or B-3B Metallic Dawn). The enemies are Meltcrafts and several R-Type fighters (including R-9B Strider, R-9D Shooting Star, R-9DH Grace Note, R-9F Andromalius and R-9W Wise Man), and the Boss is the first ship piloted, the R-9A Arrowhead.

The R-9A boss battle has two phases. In the first phase, the R-9A attacks with its Vulcan Cannon and the Standard Wave Cannon (3-round burst on Human difficulty, and 5-round burst on Bydo and R-Typer difficulty). In the second phase, the R-9A takes away the player's Force and transforms it into its own Standard Force, and is now able to fire all three kinds of Lasers and detach the Force.

After defeating the boss, the pilot flies out of the colony, the very Bydo lifeform he flew by when he entered the colony all that time ago... However, the ending shows that the voice recorder is actually recovered from the infected fighter.



"Familiar Faces...

Familiar Places...

But... why?"


"Are the seabirds the only ones

happy to see me on this beautiful

Summer Night?"

- From Recovered Voice Recorder-

R-Type Final 2[]

This mission is much the same as in R-Type Final, except that arriving here in anything except a R-99 Last Dancer results in having to fight said craft. The Last Dancer will use several Force units and Wave Cannons in this fight, along with Homing Missiles. When the Last Dancer starts charging its Wave Cannon, it must be defeated quickly or else it will fire a Giga Wave Cannon and annihilate everything in its path. Arriving here in a Last Dancer instead calls forth a R-9A Arrowhead as the boss.


  • This is one of the only three stages in R-Type shooting games where you fight R-Type fighters, the others being Stage 6 "Awakening" in R-Type Delta and Stage 7.1 "Returned? A Familiar Space City" in R-Type Final 2.
  • The sun is at the same location in the same place in Stage 1.0 (noon) and Stage F-B ending, which contradicts the concept of the "Summer Night". This could be the result of the pilot's altered vision under the Bydo influence.
  • According to the R's Museum description of B-1D Bydo System Alpha, it is a salvaged wreck and was not developed by humans. The Stage F-B ending implies that the pilot's Bydo System Alpha could be the one that was salvaged.