R-Type Wiki

The Scatter Bomb (also known as Spread Bomb), classified as a Missile, is first introduced in R-Type II. When fired, it is dropped slightly forward of the craft in a parabolic way. Upon impact, the bomb spreads forward, damaging whatever it touches.

R-Type II / Super R-Type[]

The Scatter Bomb is obtained by picking up the blue Missile power-up. The energy blasts are blue. It and the Homing Missile (red power-up) are mutually exclusive.

R-Type Delta[]

The Scatter Bomb is exclusively used by R-X Albatross. The energy blasts are green.

R-Type Final / R-Type Final 2[]


Scatter Bomb

A cluster bomb that is dropped forward. Scatters on impact, releasing the volatile energy stored within. Very effective in rough terrain with hills, valleys or crevices.

Abbreviated as F (Final 1) / SB (Final 2) in the armament. The energy blasts are green. Level 2 increases the number of scattered energy blasts. It's the default Missile of R-9F Andromalius, RX-10 Albatross, BX-2 Platonic Love and B-5D Diamond Wedding. It is also available on a large number of ships.

Used by:

Eyeball Scatter Bomb[]

R-Type Final 2[]

Eyeball Scatter Bomb


A Cluster bomb developed for Bydo craft. It scatters on landing, releasing destructive energy.

Abbreviated as ES (Final 2) in the armament.

Flame Scatter Bomb[]

R-Type Final 2[]

Flame Scatter Bomb


A capsule-type missile developed for flame fighters. The technology used in flame fighters is applied to trap a high-temperature flame inside the capsule. Scatters on impact, releasing the high-temperature flame stored within.

Abbreviated as FS (Final 2) in the armament.

R-Type Command / R-Type Tactics II: Operation Bitter Chocolate[]

In R-Type Command, the Scatter Bomb is localized as the Contact Missile. It can be used to counter enemy attacks within its range.

Name Ammo Base Power ACE Power Range Hit Use Type Note
Contact Missile 5 35 42 2-2 35% A/C Guided Missiles which explode on contact for additional damage. Has moderate accuracy, and can't intercept attacks.