R-Type Wiki

A dose attack in R-Type Final


When the DOSE charge is full you can blast the Delta Weapon

The Dose System and the Delta Weapon are game mechanics that were introduced in R-Type Delta. A Delta Weapon is a classic shooter "smart bomb" that deals damage to all enemies on screen, destroying most foes and bullets and heavily damaging large Bydo for 4 seconds. It charges via the Dose System when a Force blocks enemy shots or contacts enemies directly, absorbing energy to fuel the attack. The harder the difficulty, the slower the Dose increases. Once the Dose Gauge reaches 100% (the state known as Dose Break), the attack is primed and ready to be used.

Besides the Delta Weapon, once the Dose Gauge reaches 100%, the Force's contact damage and hitbox increase (shown as the red aura), and the player gets a score bonus. This creates an interesting tactical question: keep your Dose at 100% for the increased damage, hitbox and score bonus, or consume it to destroy (nearly) all visible enemies and bullets?


R-Type Delta[]

All of the ships in this mission come equipped with this weapon, each with their own Delta Weapon which have different visual effects but are functionally the same. The Dose Gauge display is circular type.

Dose System mechanics:

Difficulty Points required to reach 100% Dose
KIDS 4000
HUMAN 8000
BYDO 24000
Action Increased Dose points Score (normal) Score (100% Dose)
Absorb an enemy shot 160 26 53
Contact a one-hit-KO enemy 100 16 33
Contact a high HP enemy 6 per 1/60 sec 1 per 1/60 sec 2 per 1/60 sec

R-Type Final[]

Delta Weapons return, having been renamed as Special Weapons. All 101 ships have a Special Weapon, even those that didn't possess one in previous missions. The Dose Gauge display is rod type.

Six Special Weapons are available, including the original four Delta Weapons and two new Special Weapons:

Dose System mechanics:

Difficulty Points required to reach 100% Dose
BABY 6000
KIDS 12000
HUMAN 24000
BYDO 72000
R-TYPER 144000
Action Increased Dose points Score (normal) Score (100% Dose)
Absorb an enemy shot 160 26 53
Contact a one-hit-KO enemy 100 16 33
Contact a high HP enemy 6 per 1/60 sec 1 per 1/60 sec 2 per 1/60 sec

R-Type Final 2[]

Like in R-Type Final, each ship possesses one of the six Special Weapons with the same distribution. The Dose Gauge can be displayed as either rod type or circular type in the option.

Dose System mechanics:

Difficulty Points required to reach 100% Dose
KIDS 12000
NORMAL 24000
BYDO 72000
R-TYPER 144000
R-TYPER 2 288000
R-TYPER 3 576000
Action Increased Dose points
Absorb an enemy shot 160
Contact a one-hit-KO enemy 100

One different mechanic from the previous titles is that reaching 100% Dose now increases the score modifier rank by 1 (meaning an overall score bonus, not limited to Force contact), and using a Special Attack decreases the score modifier rank by 1.
