R-Type Wiki

The Bydo Shot (or the Bydo Particle Bullet) is a basic projectile fired by the vast majority of Bydo. It's a red or orange bullet that travels at a decent velocity and usually travels faster with increased difficulty. In R-Type Command, it's regularly used by Force devices as well. It can be fired at any vector and is primarily delivered by a variety of basic low-class Bydo (both aerial and ground-based) such as Cancer, Pata-Pata, Blaster, Bink and among others. High-class Bydo (particularly bosses and warships) will fire these in addition to their more dangerous attacks. Interestingly, the Bydo Shots can be fired from both biological and mechanical weapon platforms, showing just how deep the biomechanical nature of the Bydo goes.

The Space Corps equivalent is the Vulcan Cannon, an energy weapon used by nearly every R-craft. Though the vulcan has a faster firing rate, it's limited to a forward-firing position and the projectile is a little smaller.
