The Bydo Core refers to the truly mysterious yet constantly evolving biomechanical supercomputer leaders that serve as the final boss to almost all of the R-Type missions.
The Bydo Core was originally created by Humans in the 26th Century and also served as the source of the Bydo organisms. It also contains the true essence of the man-made bioweapons themselves. However, an error activated the Bydo Core too early in the Solar System and then the creations attacked the humans. As a result, the humans banished the Bydo Cores and their creations into another dimension where they continue to evolve, reproduce and hold a grudge against its enemies. It then found a way to return to the Humans' dimension (in the 22nd Century), through a different galaxy/solar system. The Bydo Core quickly assimilated the galaxy/solar system it had exited the other dimension from, creating the Bydo Empire. The monstrous life-forms created by the Core then made a beeline to Earth, quickly overrunning everything in their way.
Not to be confused with Force Units, even though these armaments have a Bydo Core that makes them basically indestructible and powers their weaponry.
The true enemy, it is covered in evil and mysterious energies. Cannot be damaged without a special energy weapon.

The Bydo Core in R-Type Dimensions
In the original R-Type, The Bydo Core looks like a green, wizened humanoid-like creature with an eye embedded in his forehead. A fleshy gateway separates the Core from the external world and it opens occasionally for the Core to cough out Wins. Firing a Force into the Core while the portal is open is the best way to damage it. The trick is surviving long enough for the Force to deal lethal damage.

R-Type II/Super R-Type[]
Cloning mechanism that retains the captured R9s for their metal, which it uses for reproduction.

The Bydo Core in R-Type II/Super R-Type
In R-Type 2, the Bydo Core is called Womb (but often misspelled as Woom in early official materials) and resembles a large crab hanging onto the wall with two Bydo embryos inside it. The R-Type Official Website states that the embryos inside this mechanism are actually clones of the Bydo Core from the original R-Type. There are four R-9A Arrowheads trapped by the Core. Though they can be freed by destroying the tethers and help provide distractions, they typically don't last long. In the SNES version, it's different, one of those R-9 fighters will flee from destruction, allowing one to sacrifice itself. In R-Type Dimensions, it is the same as the SNES version compared to the arcade. The Core will shoot a Homing Missile as well as two energy blasts that will tilt in the pilot's direction. Manths also accompany it. With a blue Laser Crystal, a beam be angled behind it to damage the back embryo.

R-Type III: The Third Lightning[]

The Bydo Core in R-Type III
In R-Type III, the Bydo Core in this game is a giant 4-armed creature that is attached to the wall in the Bydo Dimension. It is called Mother Bydo in this game. Her hands shoot homing energy balls and lasers. after enough damage her mouth will open to release Bydo and will stay open until all Bydo are either offscreen or destroyed, during this time she is invincible. she will do this twice and on the third time her head will be destroyed and you can inflict damage on her body. if you wait too long without hurting her body, she will grow a new head and you will have to repeat the process until her body is destroyed. then you will have to damage her arms which will fly across the screen and spin in place until the Bydo Dimension's portal starts to close. the hands will try to keep the portal open while Mother Bydo's body reappears and spits energy balls. when you deal enough damage to her head, it will open wide which gives you a chance to fire your Force into her mouth and will push her into the Bydo Dimension as she moans and says "No!" in defeat. If you wait too long to shoot your Force, she will spew a horde of energy balls.
R-Type Delta[]

The Bydo Core in R-Type Delta
In R-Type Delta, the Bydo Core looks like an enlarged ovum cell that sends out sperm-like creatures to attack the player. It is called the Bydo Seed in this one.
R-Type Final[]

The Bydo Core in R-Type Final
In R-Type Final, the Bydo Core resembles a wall of flesh between two planes of water. This Core constantly launches inactive Bydo creatures and eventually moves on to spewing out Forces. It has been stated that this creature appears to represent the very essence of the Bydo Empire and is therefore the true source of all the Bydo lifeforms, so destroying it could inevitably wiped out the Bydo Empire for good.
- Class: Huge Bydo
- Designation: Final Target
- HP Level: 5
- Location: The Bydo...
A Bydo created in the lab that repeatedly spews out all kinds of matter and energy. It can deliver any Bydo attack.
Note : Bydo Core's Timeout activates once you reach 18 minutes and 30 seconds, that is achievable if game runs consistently at NTSC Frequency (60Hz). Since on PS2 Hardware the game has many slow downs, including this fight, the battle can last 37 minutes or even more before seeing the Timeout. Bydo Core on Timeout will rush slowly and destroy the player' ship if it didn't released the full charged Giga Wave Cannon.
R-Type Command[]
The Bydo Core is called the Ebon Eye (Japanese: 漆黒の瞳孔 Shikkoku no Doukou, lit. "Pitch-Black Pupil") in this mission. When defeated, the Ebon Eye's death throes pull in the Space Corps armada. Though a few squads of R-craft can be seen escaping, the majority of craft and all battleships are absorbed by the Bydo. The armada's commander survives as a residual intelligence, seemingly unaware that they have become Bydo. This unlocks the Bydo campaign.
Bydo? Ebon Eye -Eye of Darkness-
Source of the Bydo life forms. Surrounded by huge thrusters living (?) within its walls.

The ebon eye
- HP: 380
- Fuel: 100
- Radar: 10
- Speed: 0
- Evade: 0%
- Carry x8
Name | Ammo | Power | Range | Hit | Use | Type | Note |
Psi-Storm | 99 | 90 | 3-6 | 65% | A/C | PSI | An attack that is indescribable by human standards. There are no known ways to intercept it. |
R-Type Tactics II: Operation Bitter Chocolate[]

The Amber Pupil in R-Type Tactics II: Bitter Chocolate.
This reincarnation of the Ebon Eye is called the Amber Pupil in this game. On the sides of the Amber Pupil are sharp nodes/strange organs called Amber Organ Yin and Amber Organ Yang. As with the Ebon Eye from the previous game, when the Amber Pupil is defeated, it explodes and sucks the human fleet into a blackhole. The human fleet and defeated Bydo battleships get harvested by the Solar Envoy Guards.
R-Type Final 2[]
The Stage 7.2 route final boss is the returning Ebon Eye from R-Type Command, now localized as the Obsidian Pupil.

Obsidian Pupil in R-Type Final 2

Protagonist tried to enter Obsidian Pupil

Obsidian Pupil destroying itself in the end credits
- Subtitle: Thought singularity
- Enemy Size/Strength: Huge Bydo
- Enemy Classification 1: Other
- Enemy Classification 2: Other
- HP: ****
- Stage: Center of the Planet Bydo
Its only attack is the Psi-Storm, now localized as the Psywave, which moves in an irregular pattern. The only way to damage it is when it opens the shell, then either make the detached Force or the fighter itself to enter its inside.
There are two temporary safe zones: the bottom left corner and the inside of the Obsidian Pupil. However, as time goes by, its Psywaves will be able to hit everywhere on the screen, including the aforementioned safe zones. Therefore, it's impossible to have a time out in this battle.
- The Bydo Core is sometimes called Bydo. In the Game Boy release of the original R-Type, it was called El Supremo (The Supreme) in the manual's story.
See video of R-Type's final boss fight on YouTube here).